Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD

Saad is in the process of starting his residency after graduating from medical school summa cum laude. He is interested in Neurosurgery and currently working on neuroscience and behavior research.

Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
Gastric Bypass, Alternatives

Gastric Bypass Alternatives

If a patient cannot have gastric bypass, then they can choose gastric bypass alternatives for weight loss. There are many options for alternatives to gastric bypass: intensive diet and exercise, innovative medical therapies, and surgical/non-surgical therapies.
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
10 min read
Gastric Bypass, Pain

Pain After Gastric Bypass

Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms and pain are common after gastric bypass surgery. The symptoms can be problematic and should not be taken for granted. Patients should consider these symptoms before choosing gastric bypass surgery as a treatment option.
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
7 min read
Gastric Bypass, Scars

Gastric Bypass Scars

Considering the healing time and cosmetic concerns of patients, over time, gastric bypass surgery has evolved into newer procedures. Now doctors can perform surgery with a minimalist approach. You may have no visible scars left after surgery.
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
4 min read
Gastric Bypass, Constipation

Constipation After Gastric Bypass: Causes, Recognition, Treatment

Weight loss surgeries are very popular and are known to be a relatively safe approach to tackling weight loss. As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications, and patients may experience many side effects after the surgery. However, that fact does not outweigh the benefits of the surgery. Among a long list of side effects, constipation is one of the most common experiences after a gastric bypass procedure. Fortunately, doctors have studied the mechanisms causing constipation post-procedu
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
Saad Javeed, MBBS, MD
7 min read