Celebrities and Gastric Bypass Surgery

Celebrities and Gastric Bypass Surgery

Choosing weight loss surgery is a difficult decision that many patients use as a last resort after years of exhausting diet and exercise programs.  Treating obesity has evolved over many decades.  Obesity is a complicated disease that has many origins and manifestations that occur throughout a patient’s life.  You may have suffered weight issues throughout childhood into adulthood or suffered a medical setback that altered your physical health.  However, your struggle with weight manifested, weight-loss surgical is a tool that saves lives.

Weight loss surgery provides a manageable way to treat your obesity, but due to judgment from society, there is still shame and negativity towards bariatric surgery.  There is a growing public awareness of bariatric surgery with the increased use of social media.  Social media allows for a platform for personal and private lives to be shared publicly.

Choosing to go public about your weight loss surgery is extremely personal and shows a great deal of vulnerability.  Having celebrities visually represent bariatric surgery through their social media allows for awareness of weight loss surgery to grow.  The more people gain knowledge and understanding about this life-saving tool, the more lives will be saved.

Having celebrities openly discussing their weight loss journey allows for many bariatric patients to feel less alone and about their bariatric surgery.  Knowing you are not alone on your weight loss journey helps remain committed to your long term health goals.  Having more public figures share their weight loss journey lessens the stigma that surgery is the natural and lazy way out.

Bariatric surgery is a difficult and challenging process for personal wellness. 

Mental and physical barriers must be confronted and discussed daily.  There will be struggles, there will be moments of weakness, but knowing you are not alone will increase your discipline and will power.  The daily habits that you have cultivated will increase your odds of long term success.

Going public about a personal decision is critical when more than one-third of Americans are obese. Therefore the need for weight loss surgery is rising.  An important realization is that the work does not stop when surgery is over.

Surgery is a tool, but the problems you had as a more substantial person will still be around when you lose your excess weight.  Your short term barriers are mostly physical, but the long term ones are mental.  These are the toughest to tackle, but through therapy and a strong network, you can succeed.

Gastric Bypass surgery is a popular weight loss surgery.  This surgery reduces your stomach capacity by stapling the stomach into two parts, so it holds only about an ounce of food at a time.  The food eaten then flows into the smaller part of the stomach, and your small intestines are reattached to it.  The food then bypasses the rest of your stomach.

Here are a selected group of celebrities that have discussed their weight loss surgery journey openly:

Al Roker

Al Roker is known for his long term weatherman position on The Today Show.  He has become vocal about his struggle with his weight over the past decade.  He underwent gastric bypass in 2002 after he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.  After decades of dieting and binging to control his obesity, surgery was the solution to keep his weight off.  Since surgery, he has lost over one hundred pounds and kept his weight off through lifestyle changes.  These changes include working out consistently and eating a healthy diet.

Roker also reveals that a reliable support system and the community helps control his food issues.  He has pointed out,

“In this country, if you have an alcohol problem or a drug problem, you can get treatment.  If you have a weight problem, it’s a lack of willpower.  But you can stop  drinking, and you cannot not eat.”

There is no shame in struggling with your weight.

Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne is a television host on The Talk and music producer who underwent lap band surgery over twenty years ago.  She decided to have surgery after realizing she was addicted to food.  She was able to lose 125 pounds, but developed difficulty eating after surgery.  She would often vomit after eating, so after struggling for years, she had her band removed.

She is now able to maintain her weight with a low carb diet.

Star Jones

Star Jones is a famous television host who gained stardom on The View.  She publicly struggled with her weight for years.  Following her 40th birthday, she stated she couldn’t breathe without sounding winded; walk without getting tired; sleep without snoring, or taking a flight without using a seat belt extender.  She was notoriously private about her surgery and only opened up about her gastric bypass through an interview.  She admitted to shame about not being able to control her weight.

Jones was able to lose over 160 pounds after surgery.

Despite her drastic weight loss, she spoke about her success when she started therapy to discuss her control issues surrounding eating.  She stated,

“The recovery doesn’t end when you come off the anesthesia, that’s when the real work begins.”

The exercise begins with one step—a step towards reaching your goal.

Rosie O’Donnell

Rosie O’Donnell is a famous movie actress and television host.  She has openly discussed her struggle with her weight for years.  She decided to have weight loss surgery due to having a heart attack at 50 years old.  She tried to lose weight through diet and exercise naturally but decided the gastric sleeve would offer better long term results.  When she had the surgery she stated,

“In my opinion, this surgery is something that needs a little more attention for people who have suffered from morbid obesity their whole lives.

This has really, really helped me.”

Since her weight loss surgery O’Donnell has been open about the work she has done to keep her weight off,

“All of the stuff that you carry with you like a heavy person in the world will still be there  when you’re a thin person.”

Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr is a comedic actress mostly known from her work on Roseanne.  She struggles with her weight throughout most of her life and had gastric bypass surgery when she reached 350 pounds.  Her surgery was successful, and she has maintained her healthier weight through healthy foods and regular physical activity.  Barr discussed her weight loss,

“I had my entire digestive system removed, so I should look thinner!”

Both mental and physical health must work together to help you maintain your weight loss.

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson is most known for hosting the reality competition show, American Idol.  He decided to get a gastric bypass when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  He was able to lose over one hundred pounds but gained some of his weight back.  To help combat the weight gain, he began exercising more regularly and eating a healthier diet.

He has said how the surgery worked for him but warned others of the necessary lifestyle change, “It’s not easy, and it’s a continued struggle,” he told NBC in 2008.

Thoughts on Weight Loss Surgery

The work that is needed for a successful weight loss surgery is not easy.

Choosing weight loss surgery is not the easy way out or a quick fix.  Weight loss surgery is a tool that allows you to lose weight quickly, but necessary lifestyle changes must be taken for permanent long term success.

Celebrities bring an increased awareness by showing the positive perspective, and healing tool weight loss surgery offers in treating obesity.  Having public figures share their journey with weight loss allows the bariatric community to grow.  The more conversations surrounding weight loss surgery helps bring awareness to the need for healthier relationships to food and exercise.  Public figures increase visibility in tackling health and treating obesity fear of negative judgment.

You are not weak for asking for help.

Kelsey Renae Schulze


Kelsey is a post-op bariatric patient who had sleeve surgery in 2018. She is a writer, focusing on a variety of topics given her background in legal studies and criminal justice.